
Jacob Akey is a senior international relations and economics double major, with a minor in humanities. He is the Opinion section editor of The Saint Anselm Crier, a writing assistant at the Academic Resource Center, a student ambassador, and the inaugural Grappone Fellow. After graduation, Jacob will serve as a junior fellow for FIRST THINGS, a New York-based magazine of religion and public life.

Kellan Barbee is a sophomore Politics major with an English minor from Manchester, New Hampshire. He is heavily involved on campus as a Resident Assistant, a student worker at the NHIOP, and the humanitas journal, in addition to his involvement in the NHIOP Ambassadors program, the debate team, and other clubs and organizations. Kellan enjoys reading, hanging out with friends, and spending the summer months outside.

Owen Bland is a freshman International Relations Major from northeast Connecticut. Around campus he is an active member of the Abbey Player, NHIOP Ambassadors, Choir, and Crier. Off campus he reads, writes, bikes, hikes, and engages in miscellaneous acts of mischief. He extends his love to his loving family and would like to thank fellow featured writer Samuel Marcotte for brutally forcing him into writing poetry. That was very kind of him.

Megan Brewer is a sophomore at Saint Anselm College with a double major in Classical Archaeology and History, with a passion for social and cultural history. After graduation, she intends to pursue a Ph.D. in either Anthropological or Classical Archaeology and hopes to teach at the college level. In her free time, she likes to read and go fishing with her brothers. Megan is honored and excited to be featured in this edition of humanitas and to be on the editorial staff

Riley Buchanan is a senior Marketing Major and Graphic Design Minor.  She is the Programming Director at the Gregory J. Grappone Humanities Institute and enjoys attending and taking part in the various programs by the other institutions and organizations on campus.  When off campus, she is probably with her family, friends, and/or pets at the beach, reading, listening to music, painting, or all of the above all at once.  She is grateful for the opportunities that Saint Anselm College has presented and the faculty that has supported, especially Professor Rong Huang with the Social Media Marketing project featured in this issue of humanitas.  

Michael “Mac” Connors is a junior Politics major with Great Books and History minors. He greatly enjoys writing fiction and researching various historical and political topics. He is the chairman of the College Republicans, Vice President of the Class of 2025, writes for the Crier, and sings in the choir. He also enjoys reading the classics, learning languages, singing the praises of monarchs, and listening to Gregorian chant and Frank Sinatra.

Michael Dansereau is a junior Classics & Computer Science double major at Saint Anselm College. He has enjoyed Latin for as long as I can remember, and he has loved the literature that came from Ancient Rome since it was first introduced to him. He is delighted to share my enthusiasm for Roman writings with others!

Katy Donovan is a senior accounting major from Goffstown, NH. Outside of class, she works in the Dana Center and the Finance Office, and performs in Jazz and Pep Band. Some of her hobbies include spending time in nature, exercising, playing drums, painting, and exploring New Hampshire. She is especially interested in the creative nonfiction genre and is thrilled to contribute to this year’s humanitas!

Jillian Dorazio is a senior Communication and History major in the honors program and the first recipient of the Whipple Scholarship, awarded to a student conducting a major research project on any aspect of the history, art, literature, music, or philosophical/scientific thought of the Eighteenth Century. Jillian’s contribution to humanitas is an excerpt from her longer research project, which was awarded this scholarship.

Ellie Duffin is a junior from Braintree, Massachusetts. She is majoring in Politics with a minor in Communications and Spanish.  At Saint Anselm, she is very involved in the Student Ambassador Program in the New Hampshire Institute of Politics, where has the opportunity to promote civic engagement on campus, contribute to political discussions, and most recently work with ABC News. In her free time, she enjoys skiing, hiking, traveling, and going to concerts. This summer she is excited to study abroad in Granada, Spain.

Abigail Edgerly is a junior History major with a minor in Psychology from Massachusetts. In addition, she is vice president of Lucubrations, the on-campus poetry club, has previously done research within the history department, and is a member of both PsiChi and Phi Alpha Theta honor societies. Abbi spends her free time reading and gathering inspiration for more of her own writing.

Mary Margaret Fanning is a senior Classical Archaeology major at Saint Anselm College, interested in the conservation of historical environments and preservation of past peoples and cultures. She intends to pursue her field further in graduate school, following a gap year. Mary Margaret is delighted that her works have been selected for humanitas, and she considers this honor to be the happy culmination of her time as an undergraduate.

Isabelle Gross is a sophomore Theology major with a minor in Education. When she’s not busy studying, she can be found hanging out in Geisel library or talking about philosophy, religion, or literature around campus with anyone willing to listen. As you might have guessed from her Conversatio essay, she loves old books, hot tea, and long conversations. She especially loves reading the Scriptures and the writings of St. Augustine, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Josef Pieper, and Arnold Lobel. A native of Vermont, she also enjoys long walks with her dog and snowboarding. 

Hope Jensen is a junior Classical Archaeology major with a double minor in English and Theology from Hamilton, Massachusetts. She is a member of the Abbey Choir, the Pep Band where she is a student Conductor, the Abbey Players where she performs and is the Director of Public Relations. She also works in the Chapel Art Center and is a Resident Assistant. In her free time she loves to read, listen to music, and spend time with her friends. Thank you for the continued support of humanitas and the Liberal Arts. This makes the campus community, and the greater community a better place.

Emma Link is a junior French major at Saint Anselm College, with a minor in International Relations. She is heavily involved in Residential Life, The Abbey Players, French Club, and she occasionally writes for The Crier as well. When not collecting extracurriculars like Pokémon, she enjoys reading, watching TV, and hanging out with her friends. She is very honored that her work has been chosen to be published in this year's Humanitas.

Asher Manning is a current junior at Saint Anselm College, majoring in Secondary Education and History. They have a passion for American history, reading, and art. When not working on homework, Asher works on historical research, tutors in the Academic Research Center, works on differing artistic projects, writes, and reads. They are excited that their art has been chosen for humanitas, and are honored that the Humanities Institute is sharing their poetry when they have been afraid to share their voice for so long.

Samuel Marcotte is a First year Honors English Major, hopefully with minors in Communication and Creative and Professional Writing. When not writing poetry, Sam can be seen helping the Abbey Players, writing for the Crier, singing in the Abbey Choir, or working in the NHIOP. Samuel is very grateful for being included in the Humanitas Journal and also wants to thank his friends and family for their love and support.

Megan McLaughlin is a junior English and Secondary Education major at Saint Anselm College. She hopes to pursue a career in teaching. In her free time, she enjoys reading, drinking tea with lots of honey, gardening and going on walks with her family. Megan is very grateful to have been able to contribute to the humanitas journal, and is in awe at the various forms of creative expression that her peers have put forth for St. A’s readers to experience.

Evangeline Rockwell is a junior at St. Anselm College majoring in English, with minors in Humanities, French, Theology, and Great Books. She is heavily involved on campus as a resident assistant, a member of the choir, a student worker in the Advancement Office and in the Dana Center, and many other things. When not doing one of those numerous things, she enjoys reading anything she can get her hands on, singing, cooking, baking, and spending time with her friends. She is honored to be both published in the journal, and to be a part of the humanitas editorial staff this year.

Evan Smith is a sophomore Politics major. He is a practicing Catholic who enjoys theology and philosophy. Evan has lived in New Hampshire all his life, in the same house, and does not enjoy travel. Evan’s favorite food is fried chicken, and he eats it at least once a week, typically more. He has a moderate liking of public speaking and an intense liking of United States Presidential history; he is able to name all of the presidents in both chronological and reverse-chronological order; his favorite is Calvin Coolidge, and he has visited the Coolidge museum multiple times.

Caraline Stewart is a sophomore at Saint Anselm College with a major in mathematics, a minor in music, and a passion for all things art. She writes music in any spare moment she finds and enjoys painting when the inspiration hits. In the two pieces that Caraline is honored to have featured in this edition of the journal, she illustrates stories through both her song lyrics and the saturated colors she uses in each of her paintings. Although Caraline hopes to pursue a career in data analytics, she will always be creating art in some way shape or form.

humanitas would like to thank Professor Kimberly Kersey-Asbury for her recommendations and curation of excellent student work from the Fine Arts Department for Volume 2.

Featured Artists for humanitas, Vol 2:

Julia Bard

Sara Best

Madi Corcoran

Grace Hart

Kathleen Heffernan

Matt Homan

Sophia Korosidis

Eleanor Meighan, David (Tre) Holt , and Merrick Bilodeau

Tucker Henry

Alexis Miller

Percy Moore

Emily Pender

John Provost

Anna Raley

Abigail Rogers

Sarah Spencer

Caraline Stewart

Thomas Sullivan